
Nasal bridge correction often requires a surgical procedure aimed at raising the bridge of the nose. This is accomplished by adding either an implant or tissue taken from the patient’s own body, known as autologous tissue, to augment a nasal bridge that is considered low.

The height of the implant is determined based on the individual’s nasal shape and facial balance.

What’s special about surgeries at KOKO Plastic Surgery


Eagle Nose (aquiline nose) Correction

Dividing the forehead into three parts – upper, middle, and lower – it’s often observed that prominent eagle nose symptoms tend not to appear when the height is at the lower tier.

If the eagle nose is overly prominent, it can disrupt the facial harmony. Therefore, adjusting the angle between the forehead height and the nose tip is a critical step.

One surgical approach entails diminishing the prominence of the eagle nose and then adding a silicone implant to the corrected area to sculpt a refined and sleek nasal shape.

Surgical Procedure

Postoperative Care Instructions

  1. Remove the tape three days after surgery.
  2. Apply ice packs as needed for the first week after surgery.
  3. If bruising occurs, use a warm towel to apply heat starting from the first week after surgery. Improved blood circulation helps reduce swelling and bruising quickly.
  4. When washing your face before suture removal, be careful not to wet the surgical area. Gently wipe around the surgical area with a towel dampened with water.
  5. Normal facial cleansing and makeup application can resume the day after suture removal.
  6. Avoid wearing glasses for about four weeks after surgery.
  7. Avoid applying pressure or impact to the nose area for approximately six weeks until the implant or cartilage stabilizes. (Avoid sleeping on your side or stomach.)
  8. Refrain from consuming alcohol and tobacco for one month to prevent inflammation.
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