

1. When the nasal bridge is low
2. When a distinct impression is desired
3. When wishing for a beautiful profile line

What is flat nose surgery?


When the nose is flat, it can make the face appear larger and give a flattened impression. In such cases, implants or autologous tissue can be transplanted to the low nasal bridge to enhance and refine the facial contours, creating a more three-dimensional appearance. If both the nasal bridge and tip are low, nose surgery can involve using nasal septal cartilage or ear cartilage to craft a higher and more refined nose.


Surgical Methods for Flat Nose

The nasal bridge is elevated using implants or autologous rib cartilage. Since the nasal tip is composed of soft tissue, its condition varies depending on the individual’s nose. Natural and beautiful noses are crafted using septal cartilage, auricular cartilage, and rib cartilage.


Implants are made using proven safe materials such as silicone or Gore-Tex. The choice of implant used in surgery is determined based on the condition of the nose and skin. Autologous tissue utilizes the body’s own tissue, minimizing side effects and preventing inflammation.


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