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Upper Eyelid Lift

ココ美容外科の上眼瞼リフトをご体験ください。 たるんだ目元と眠そうな印象を改善する特別な機会! | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

What is upper eyelid lift?

As aging progresses, the eyelids can become saggy, and this is the surgery performed for such cases.

In this instance, the sagging tissue is precisely measured and incised to reconstruct the stretched double eyelids, resulting in a clear and youthful appearance around the eyes. The procedure addresses both functional issues, such as impaired field of vision and worn out corners of the eyes caused by the stretched eyelids, and aesthetic concerns simultaneously.

KOKO Upper Eyelid Lift POINT

Removing the droopy eyelids that make one appear older can create a much younger-looking impression.
As there will be no need to lift the sagging eyelids using the forehead muscles, the formation of forehead wrinkles can also be prevented. Moreover, the issue of eyelashes being suppressed by the droopy eyelids, which can obstruct the field of vision, can be resolved, ensuring satisfaction both aesthetically and functionally.

Candidates of Upper Eyelid Lift

ココ美容外科の上眼瞼リフトの手術をお勧めする方々です。 お年寄りの方、たるんだ目元が気になる方などにおすすめです。 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

KOKO Upper Eyelid Lift Features

 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

Upper eyelid surgery method

 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

Postoperative Care Instructions

  1. After surgery, using an ice pack continuously from right after the operation until the swelling goes down can help with recovery.
  2. There can be individual differences after surgery, resulting in swelling or bruising. When sleeping, avoid positions where the head is facing downward or lying on your stomach. It is beneficial to rest with your head elevated on 2 to 3 stacked soft pillows to reduce swelling and pain.
  3. Please avoid activities that involve shedding a lot of tears, rubbing your eyelids, or squeezing your eyes shut tightly.
  4. Postoperative drinking and smoking can delay the healing of the surgical wounds, so please refrain from them. If unavoidable, wait at least 3 to 4 weeks before doing so.
  5. It is better not to wear contact lenses for about 3 weeks, and during this period, please wear glasses or sunglasses.
  6. It is advisable to wait until 2 weeks after surgery before applying even simple eye makeup, and eyelash extensions can be used one month post-operation.
  7. It is recommended not to go to a sauna for at least 3 weeks.