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Rhinoplasty Hospital for Men

KOKO Plastic Surgery Specializing in Korean Nose Surgery & Revision Surgery. 

Hello! We are a specialized rhinoplasty hospital aiming to perform safe surgeries with 22 years of accident-free procedures.

鼻の美容整形の名医が駐在するKOKO美容外科のロゴ画像 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist
KOKO Plastic Surgery

Nowadays, men are also paying more attention to their visuals. 

There are many men who are wondering whether to undergo rhinoplasty.


With this, we will be talking about ‘male rhinoplasty’, which gives the nose a masculine look on a man’s face.

Image to market about Golden Ratio of Men | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist's nose for male rhinoplasty
KOKOs Man Rhinoplasty

A man’s nose line is completely different from a woman’s.


This requires a specialist skill to accurately understand the propositions of the face and the condition of the skin.

Afterwards, creating the height and shape of the nose suiting each face.

Text explaining the differences between male and female type of nose | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist
Men Nasal Surgery

Men’s Nose Surgery at KOKO Plastic Surgery- Apgujeong


One needs to accurately understand the differences between men and women’s noses.

A straight nose line looks good on men, but small differences in the angle greatly affect the visual image.


Rather than just aiming for the same unconditionally straight and tall nose, we check an individual’s face shape and image to achieve an overall harmonious nose line.

The types of people who would be good candidates for Male Rhinoplasty | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist
Recommendation for Male Rhinoplasty

Recommended People for Male Rhinoplasty

  1. Those who wants to have a manly nose
  2. Those with short and flat nose
  3. Those who have a complex that makes the nose look flat
  4. Those with a crooked or aquiline nose


What is special about KOKO’s Male Rhinoplasty

  • Sufficient Counseling and design

Everyone has different bone structure, facial features and nose characteristics, alongside shapes they personally prefer. With this, we perform through counseling and diagnosis before surgery, and perform a custom-made design and surgery tailored to each invidiual.

  • Natural

A harmonious nose shape that looks like it has not undergone surgery.


Nose is located in the center of the face, and even small changes can have a big impact on the image. Without considering the face shape, excessively high eyebrows and a high nose can give visual awkwardness. We create a sophisticated nose by making a harmonious nose bridge with an appropriate height, length, and angle of the tip.

  • Masculinity

Completes a clean and masculine image.

It creates a straight nose line and sharp nostrils that men and women like, creating a clean, masculine and charismatic image.

Head Surgeon explaining about the ideal nose shape of a male | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist
Ideal Nose Shape for Male


Tips for 200% success rate in Male Rhinoplasty as told by KOKO Plastic Surgery Director Cho Bae-jeong


Did you know that men and women’s noses are slightly different? To create a woman’s nose, a little cartilage is placed on the top. But for a man’s rhinoplasty, when cartilage is placed, it is placed slightly on the edge and the rhinoplasty is performed.


Unlike a woman’s nose, a man’s nose has a slight angle at the top. For women, we soften it a little so that the edges don’t stand out, but for men we leave them as is.


Men prefer to raise the bridge of their nose a little, so the ‘nasal septal cartilage’ is important when undergoing rhinoplasty. Many people think men are stronger than women, but in reality, a large number of men have weaker nasal septal cartilage than women. Especially if you have a short or aquiline nose, you must be careful not to lose your specific gravity.

KOKO Plastic Surgery always emphasizes the importance of finding harmonious proportions that suit each individual’s face.

Image showing how to contact the hospital for further information about male rhinoplasty | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist
Contacting with KOKO Plastic Surgery

KOKO Plastic Surgery is committed to always doing our best to provide safe and long-lasting beauty solutions.

Get counseling now at KOKO Plastic Surgery, a safe rhinoplasty hospital with 22 years of experience and know-how.


This has been a blog about KOKO Plastic Surgery.

See you in the next post.

Thank you very much!


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