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元々あったらえくぼのように自然なえくぼを作り、より美しくて可愛い印象に変えられるKOKO美容外科のえくぼ整形 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

What is dimple creation surgery?

Dimples are small indentations that appear on the cheeks when making facial expressions or smiling.

Naturally occurring dimples give a bright and charming impression.

Dimple surgery can quickly transform someone’s appearance to look softer and more adorable.

Dimpleplasty Candidates

 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

KOKO Dimpleplasty

 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

Types of dimples

  1. Long dimples give a cute and gentle impression along with a mature image.
  2. Indian dimples convey an image of childlike innocence and mischievousness.
  3. Dimples at the corners of the mouth give a cute and snooty feeling, along with a cute image.
  4. Dimples in the middle of the cheeks make one look youthful, giving a cute and soft impression.
えくぼ整形の種類です。 長いえくぼは可愛くて優しい印象と共に成熟したイメージを与えます。 インディアンえくぼは子供のような無邪気さと腕白のイメージを与えます。 口角のえくぼは可愛くてつんと澄ましている感じと共に、キュートなイメージを与えます。 頬の真ん中のえくぼは童顔に見え、可愛くて柔らかい印象を与えます。 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

Dimple's location

韓国ココ美容外科であなただけの可愛さポイントであるえくぼを確実に顔と自然に作ってみてください。 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

Dimple surgery method

  1. We design the position where the dimple will be created.
  2. We make an incision of about 5mm in the oral mucosa inside the mouth.
  3. We tie it together with the skin tissue using suturing thread.
 | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist | Korea's Top Nose Revision Specialist

Postoperative Care Instructions

  1. Swelling, bruising at the injection site, and slight itching will disappear naturally.
  2. Please refrain from washing your face vigorously after the surgery.
  3. After the surgery, be careful not to expose the surgical area to extreme cold or heat for a while.
  4. For about a month until the dimples are fully formed, it is better to avoid opening your mouth wide to laugh or yawn, and not to rub or press on the surgical area too much.
  5. For 1-2 days after the surgery, it is recommended to eat soft, liquid food as much as possible, and to gargle rather than brush your teeth.
  6. If you feel a snapping sensation at the surgical site when you laugh or yawn, and the dimples disappear, it is possible to have them re-sutured.