

  1. If the entire nose is crooked.
  2. If the nasal bridge is crooked.
  3. If you frequently suffer from nasal congestion or nasal conditions.
  4. If the nasal bridge becomes crooked due to nasal surgery.
  5. If facial asymmetry is further pronounced due to a crooked nose.

What is crooked nose surgery?


A crooked nose has a significant impact on one’s appearance. Additionally, since a crooked nose often involves a deviated septum, it can affect airflow within the nasal passages, leading to dryness. Dry nasal passages are prone to scabbing and are more susceptible to respiratory conditions such as infections and colds. Surgery for a crooked nose must consider not only the aesthetic aspect but also the functional aspect of the nose. Crooked noses typically result from nasal bone and septum fractures due to trauma, and it’s advisable to seek treatment promptly to avoid long-term complications.


Surgical Methods for a Crooked Nose


Surgical Procedure

1. In mild cases, correction is achieved through cartilage repositioning.
2. In more severe cases, correction of the crooked nose is achieved through internal and external osteotomy, followed by septoplasty.


Case photos

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